Greetings from the shores of Lake Victoria! We're currently staying in Mbita, at another ICIPE station (the same insect research institution that we stayed with in Nairobi). This place is absolutely amazing...I feel like I'm in a resort! I'm currently living in a nice single dorm room; hot showers and real toilets right in the very same building! We had class this morning and yesterday while sitting in lounge chairs, overlooking the lake, with mountains on the horizon. Could life get any better?
Anyways, I have free wifi here, so I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to upload a bunch of random photos from the past few weeks! Yippeeee!
First up is a horned cucumber that we got to eat in Ethnobotany class! It tastes a bit like a mix of cucumber and lemon...nomnomnom! It's not super common yet, but is becoming more and more available in local supermarkets. |
Here's our campsite at Lake Naivasha. That tent on the left with the laundry lines attached is mine. I don't think those are my clothes...but maybe they are! Hmmm... |
This is a monkey that got onto one of our trucks. Pesky little guy! I was sitting on the other truck writing a paper (it was raining outside), but I made sure to take plenty of photos before chasing him away! He might be the same monkey that tried to steal my breakfast once... |
Here's me and Arielle doing a power pose at the top of Mount Longonot. Behind us is the crater of a dormant volcano, which hasn't erupted since 1812 (I think), and thus has been filled in with forest. It was a really fun/quick/dusty/butt-hurting climb! |
A performance of a traditional Kikuyu dance. This was right before members of our group were pulled in to join them! On top of their heads are hats made of monkey fur. Pretty, but poor monkeys! |
The men all had these metal things attached to their legs, filled with stones of different sizes to act as shakers, keeping the beat of their dance. It sounded pretty neat! Fortunately for them, they only wear these during ceremonies...not every day life (I think). That would be tiring! |
These are candelabra trees at our campsite in Maasai Mara. They're all over the place! More importantly, check out those ominous clouds... Rain's a-comin'! |
Last but definitely not least, baby goats! |
BONUS ROUND: Baby goats cuddling in a tire! |
Alright's getting late and I have some work to finish up before I can hit the hay! I hope these photos give you at least a tiny taste of what I've been up to here in Kenya... Clearly the baby goats are super significant. Actually, people thought we were really weird for being so obsessed with them.
Things to look forward to this week while I still have decent internet access: an entry about the homestay with a traditional Maasai family, and photos from our game drive on the Maasai Mara!
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