I’ve been putting off this blog post for a while now,
because I don’t like to talk publicly about negative things. I generally like to pretend that everything is hunky-dory (because when it's not, I always know it will be soon enough). However, I think we all know that life isn't always sunshine and rainbows, and I cannot begin to look towards the
future until I officially accept what has happened and say goodbye to the past. That includes acknowledging it here in blog-world.
As I previously mentioned, I received a call from Peace Corps on July 30th, informing me that I was being evacuated due to increasing security risks because of Boko Haram. The eleven days that followed – my last eleven days in village – were almost certainly the most difficult eleven days of my service so far.
I had planned on only telling close friends that I was
leaving. It’s difficult to explain that
my time is being cut short because of terrorist activity that is still more
than 200km away from our village, and I simply didn’t want to go
through that process any more than absolutely necessary. Aside from general protocol
(the chief, sous-prefect, mayor, and IRAD), I had planned to inform only my
counterpart, my community host, Tabitha’s family, and some other close friends. That way, I could spend the last
few days with the people who had meant the most to me.
First up was Djida, my counterpart. Fortunately, we had already discussed the
possibility of Peace Corps shutting down the North region just the night
before. When he received my text message
urgently asking him to come to my house that evening, he already knew in his
gut: this was it.
The next morning, Madame Tizi, my community host, came over
to check on my health (I was still coming down from my fever and TB-esque
cough). She came in, I made us both hot
cocoa, and then I broke the news. Until
this moment, I had been numb. I had no
feelings. I didn’t know how to process
it or what to feel. We all knew it was
coming, we just didn’t know when. Until
this point when I realized I was truly saying goodbye, I hadn’t felt the need to cry, but now, sitting across from Madame Tizi, I began to sob.
Madame Tizi refused to look at me (Cameroonians attempt to hide their tears far better than I do) and as we continued sipping our hot
chocolate, she kept repeating: “ne pleure pas, ne pleure pas. Don’t
cry, don’t cry.” Unable to contain
my emotions, I promised her that we would spend as much time as possible
together over the next eleven days, and I promised to bake her a chocolate cake
(her favorite American delicacy) every day.
She simply looked at me with disappointment, and told me that now, none of our projects would succeed. Everything we had dreamt of doing for the
community (most projects were planned to begin in September), would fail in my
She told me that I had ruined her day, that she needed time to digest things, and that we
would see each other later. I visited her
house everyday following that; her children came out to tell me she wasn’t
home. I called her several times; she
did not answer her phone.
The same day that I broke the news to Madame Tizi, I had to
tell Tabitha. She welcomed me into her
home with a giant smile on her face, as usual.
“Djabbama! Welcome!" “Mi jabbi! I’m welcome!" She pulled the wooden bench into the shade, and we sat next to each other, just as we had nearly everyday for the past nine months.
“Comment ça va?” (How’s
it going?”)
“Tabitha, ca ne va pas. Pas du tout.” (Tabitha,
it’s not going well. Not at all.)
I explained everything to her. I explained that I am being forced to leave,
that it’s not my choice and it’s not Peace Corps choice: nobody wants for me
to leave, but due to security risks, it has to happen. I explained that I would be leaving
Sanguéré-Paul, but would be staying in Cameroon; I will not be allowed to visit, but I can call every week.
I was certain that I had spent all my tears on Madame Tizi that
morning, but when I saw that Tabitha turned her head away from me to start
wiping her eyes, the floodgates opened again.
She kept saying, “2014 is not my year.
First my husband dies, then they took my son away to Chad, and now
you’re leaving me. I’ll be all alone now. 2014 is not my year." This was the most heartbreaking part of it all. The fact that she was equating my departure
to the death of her husband and the loss of her son demonstrated that she felt
the same as I did: over the past 9 months, we had become family.
The next few days were draining. Madame Tizi was still avoiding me and Tabitha
would tear up every time she saw me.
Olivier came to my house, and we just sat in silence. Whenever I saw Christine, she would
immediately disappear behind a corner to wipe her eyes.
I had imagined that I would be spending my last eleven days
doing nothing but hanging out and laughing with the ladies that had become my
best friends. Instead, I was spending
time alone in my house; whether I was avoiding people or being avoided, I don’t
know. I tried to
distract myself by doing a couple of soy workshops with local women's
groups, but my heart and soul were simply no longer in it.
By the fourth day, I broke down. Tabitha had been too busy working at church and therefore stood me up for our one-on-one tofu workshop in the morning (which was not at all her fault, but upsetting nonetheless). Madame Tizi had blown me off for our
scheduled work meeting later that evening. I immediately
ran to Tabitha’s house and was lucky to find that all of her children were
out. I didn’t mean to, I didn’t want to, but I started to cry
“Tabitha, I have one week left now, and all of my best
friends have been avoiding me. Where
have you been? Where has Madame Tizi
been? Why aren’t we spending every
single moment we have left together?!"
She then promised that as soon as her children had been fed
and put to sleep, she’d come over and we’d stay up together. We stayed up til nearly midnight, sipping hot
chocolate and enjoying the chocolate cake that I had baked for that meeting
that never happened.
On my final night, Tabitha stayed over until midnight again
while I attempted (but totally failed) to arrange my entire house's contents into just a few suitcases.
The next morning, moving day, I woke up early and started packing again. My friend Roukaiatu came over around 9AM and helped me
sit/jump on my overstuffed trunk so that we could get the latches to close. She then helped me organize everything into my various bags.
Over the course of the next few hours, all of my closest
friends came by (except Djida, to whom I had said goodbye the night before, and
Madame Tizi, who was still ignoring me) to help me pack, clean my house, and
claim all the items that would not travel with me to my next post. This lifted my spirits significantly – it was almost like a party, with
five girls just hanging out. We kept each other laughing as we sorted through all the little trinkets that had accumulated in my house throughout the services of four Peace Corps Volunteers.
With all of my bags finally out on the veranda, the girls said their
goodbyes and left me alone with Tabitha and her ten-year-old son, Jamtu. We sat on the bed in my living room (the
only item remaining in the house) and waited for the truck to come to move all
of my belongings to Garoua. We hardly
spoke; there were no words left to
The truck came; the men loaded my things. I gave Tabitha a gigantic hug, thanked her for
making my experience in Sanguéré-Paul incredibly special, and then took my seat next to the driver.
And just like that, it was over.
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My Cameroonian Family Back row: Me, Olivier, Tabitha, Christine Front row: Jamtu, Jonas, John |
We are so sorry that this adventure had to end, but we hope the next will be happy and successful. We love you. M&D
ReplyDeleteI'm crying. I'm sending you more mental hugs.
ReplyDeleteHugs received!! Thanks Chloe!
DeleteMaria, embrace the idea that things always happen for a reason. Find happiness in the memories and time you spent together during the nine months for you have forever changed their lives and your footprints will always remain. It is clear that you will always be in their hearts! :) Laurie Roux
ReplyDeleteLaurie!! You read my blog?! So cool!!! That made my day!
DeleteThank you for the kind words. You're absolutely right: everything happens for a reason, and now I can look forward to experiencing another new culture in a totally different pocket of Cameroon, and hopefully I will make some more amazing friends! Sanguéré-Paul will certainly always be in my heart! :)