Sunday, July 26, 2015

Frank the Cabinet Cockroach

Frank and I go way back.  At least three months back.  Yep, he’s been hanging out in my cabinet since at least April.  You see, he crawled in there one night when I accidentally left the cabinet open, and there’s absolutely no way for him to escape unless the cabinet is left open again.  Sure, he could sneak out when I reach in to grab something, but Frank is a very private cockroach – he prefers to stay on the back wall of the top shelf, where he knows I can’t really see or reach.  He wouldn’t dare venture out in plain sight while I’m right there.  But I know you're in there, Frank!  I know. 

Upon discovery of my new squatter a few months ago, I deduced that there were three courses of action that we could take:
  1. I spray Raid into the cabinet, killing Frank but also spraying toxic chemicals onto my food items and dishes.
  2. I leave the cabinet open giving Frank a chance to escape, and then he finds a nice new home…potentially outside, but also potentially in my bedroom.
  3. I keep Frank locked up in the Cabinet indefinitely, he sticks to his top shelf, and I reach in as quickly as possible to retrieve essential items.  We coexist peacefully, albeit mutually terrified of one another.

Poison on my food and cockroaches in my bed do not really sound that appealing.  I chose option 3, and Frank and I have been sharing this apartment for a few months without conflict.

Well, this morning Frank worked up a quite a bit of courage.  Yeah, that’s right:  I accidentally left the cabinet open overnight, and Frank decided that he would go for a jolly little morning stroll across my kitchen counter.  Upon seeing me, he froze – a cockroach in the headlights!   Then he scurried under my stove.

When I finished making pancakes, I left the cabinet open so that Frank could return back to his home, lest he choose to face the deadly can of RAID.   A few hours later, I can confirm that Frank is indeed back on his shelf.

You’re one bold cockroach, Frank.  This isn’t over.


  1. Makes you wish you still had Grumps. He would have eaten Frank before you could have named him
