Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sipendi jam [I don't like traffic]

Welp, after climbing Kili, I moved to Nairobi.  It's been a fun two weeks....naaaaht!

I've been living in a two bedroom apartment with four other girls.  One in the twin bed, three in the queen bed, and one on the couch.  Despite the cozy living quarters, the apartment is quite nice!  We have a pool, laundry, wifi, and someone who comes in and cleans everyday!  It's quite a luxurious lifestyle after being in tents for the past few months!

I was supposed to start an internship when I arrived, but after living here for two days they informed me that the internship had been cancelled.  So I've spent the past week and a half trying to find an alternative solution, while volunteering with a women's group in Kibera.  I've also had plenty of time for reading, napping, and exploring the several gigantic malls in the area (most of which are nicer than any mall I'v ever been to in the U.S.).

While it's been nice having a kitchen to cook for ourselves, we've also been taking advantage of the delicious cuisines that Nairobi has to offer -- today I had a veggie burger and a milkshake for lunch.  There is a frozen yogurt shop not to far from us, and a great little microbrewery next door to that.

Anyways, despite the comforts that Nairobi has to offer, I'm simply not satisfied hanging out and napping by the pool all day.  So what's next?  I'm moving back to Zanzibar on Monday!  I'll spend these next few days checking all the Nairobi "must-sees" off my list and continuing to eat delicious yet expensive food, but then I'll fly back to Stone Town where I'll be staying with a local family, learning Swahili, and volunteering at a youth development organization.  I'll fill you in on more details when I figure them out for myself!

Also, as promised, hujambo Bibi!  (Hi Gramma!)

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