Sunday, November 3, 2013

Scenes from Cameroon

Hey there, fellas!  Sorry that I've been a bit absent.  Haven't felt like writing much.  Between French and Fulfulde, field trips and fêtes, there hasn't been much downtime.  But a picture's worth a thousand words, right?  So here!  Have ten!

All of the following pictures, except for the first and last, were taken en route to Kumbo in the North West.  Thus, these are scenes from the Center, West, and North West regions of Cameroon. 

Yaoundé, from my hotel window.

Shisong, NW Region
Jealous?  I often forget to look up when I'm walking to and from school here in Bafia (gotta pay attention to these muddy roads!), but whenever I do, I am always amazed at the mountains and palm trees all around me.  I am lucky to live in such a beautiful country!

Stay tuned for a post later this week about our Agroforestry field trip to Banganté!


  1. Wow! Really pretty, thanks for posting. Love mom

  2. The colors in all of the pictures, but specifically picture #5, are AMAZING.

    1. Thanks! Though I can't take any credit for the beauty of the landscape!
      #5 is my favorite too! :)

  3. Thanks for the beautiful pictures. It sure does look awesome. Love you, Gram

  4. Here's a good laugh. I'm trying to show g-ma where you are on Google Earth over the phone. Not sure who hung up first over frustration! Guess I'll have to solicit Sammi for tech support. We noticed your new address under the "Love me" section. Can we send things there now or should we wait? #5 is my favorite too! U-Rick

    1. Hahaha good luck with that!
      And yep! You can definitely send things to the new address. I'll be up there by the time anything arrives! :)

    2. I'm in trouble. G-ma read my comment. She's threatening to never let me help her on the pc again. What a punishment.
